The Bill And Mary Ann Hyman Interview Founders Of Greenfoot Global website:
Greenfoot Global is currently exploding world wide.
A combined 55 plus years in the industry and millions of dollars in revenues, few are more qualified in this arena than Bill and Mary Ann Hyman.
They have been in the top 1% of every company they have joined and now own their own Network Marketing Company.
Bill and Mary Ann love teaching people what they have learned the hard way and helping others to accelerate their own journey to success. They have watched individuals all around the world blossom as a result of their involvement in the industry.
Bill Hyman is well-known as the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer's Soul, written with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.
With 100 million copies sold, 65 titles in 37 languages, Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer’s Soul has made international publishing history. Bill has also developed and authored a best-selling personal development and field sales training program, Network Marketing 101.
He knows firsthand that the people who get involved in Network Marketing must undergo one of the most rewarding and challenging personal development courses in order to be successful.
Mary Ann Hyman has been a successful entrepreneur from an early age and started in the industry over 22 years ago. She has served on numerous advisory council boards of other companies in the industry.
She has been the keynote speaker for numerous organizations, which includes the Women's Expo hosted by Clear Channel Radio, where she spoke on the topic of "Why Women and Network Marketing." She was also a guest speaker on MLM Divas, teaching her foundational program, "Your 21 Day Road Map to Success©.”
Ted Nuyten had the privilege of interviewing both Bill and Mary Ann Hyman. I wanted to know how they got introduced to the industry and some of their history.
It is always interesting for me to see how different people got started in the industry and how their journey unfolded.
When I asked Bill how he got involved in the MLM industry this was his answer:
“When I was twelve years old my dad asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I replied that I wanted to be a “professional bum”. Looking back, my answer to my father may have been a twelve-year-old's clumsy attempt to define MLM success: time freedom, and the money to enjoy it. All I knew, from a young age is that I wanted to be self-employed.
At twenty-three, I was living in a one-bedroom apartment that cost $110 a month including heat. I was working as a car mechanic. I had this idea that I would learn to fix cars so I could own my own shop one day. There was only one minor hitch, I hated fixing cars. I absolutely detested it.
One afternoon, I received a call from one of my customers. He started rambling on about this thing called MLM. When I finally got the concept, I thought, this is it, my ticket out. I can be self-employed and do something that sounded fun. I decided to go for it. That was in 1979 and since then MLM has pretty much been my life.”
Were you successful right from the beginning?
“No, believe me, it was only my lack of an exit strategy that kept me in the business during those early days. For the first eighteen months, I experienced nothing but failure, after failure, after failure. I remember my first presentation. You’d have thought I was addressing the U.N. General Assembly. I was so nervous it took me two hours to do a 45-minute presentation.
In those first eighteen months, I could not find a single leader. Not one! Every time it looked as if I was going to develop one, something would happen in that person’s life, they would quit and I’d be back to square one. Then one day I attended a motivational speech by the president of my then current MLM Company.
He was giving out his standard “winners never quit, and quitters never win” spiel when he looked toward the back of the room. “There’s only one person in the world who really should quit,” he said. “And that’s him.” He pointed directly at me. God knows he was right. I certainly would have had good reason. Most people would have quit with all of the failures I’d endured.
It was a defining moment for me. The words, told to me by someone in my Upline, suddenly rang out in my mind: “Nothing will change until you change! Your business will never outgrow your self-image.”
Those words hit me like a tire iron. I made a promise to myself in that moment. No one was going to define me, not even the president of my the company. No one was going to limit me, especially not myself. I was going to do whatever it took to make this work.
I drove home and stuck a huge piece of paper on my fridge in the biggest letters that would fit: I MAKE NO PROVISIONS FOR FAILURE. I knew I had to grow or get left behind, so, over the coming months, I practiced and practiced and practiced. I wrote and spoke affirmations. I talked to every successful person I could stand beside. I rehearsed phone calls. Very slowly, but surely, I got better at the business.
I realized through all my attempts at success that only by helping others achieve their goals could I be successful. I created systems to help my people every step of the way. Those that followed the system went on to have life changing success and as a result, so did I.
When you realize you receive all of the benefits only when you help others achieve the same, you get a glimpse at what the industry is all about. It is these simple connections on which Network Marketing is really built. Network Marketing is all about people touching people; empowering them, helping them, teaching them, and encouraging them. It’s about breaking down the barriers that separate us and finding that common core we all share.”
Mary Ann how did you get involved in the MLM industry?
“In my late twenties I owned and operated a salon, a very traditional business. One of my clients came in with a box of product samples. She went on to say how great the products were and thought I should try them.
Honestly I had so many quality products at my disposal and quite frankly she was not the first person to approach me about carrying products in my salon from outside my industry.
I politely thanked her but put the product away and didn’t think about it till weeks later. It was my day off and I came across the box and decided to give a few of the samples a try. To my amazement the product was all that she had said. I had always been interested in the formulation of products and was quite selective about even which professional products I brought into my establishment. So I was shocked to see the quality of the products.
I didn’t know it then but it was the beginning of my journey in the MLM industry. I called my client and told her how impressed I was with the product. She said she was attending a meeting and invited me to come along.
I can’t tell you that she did not meet a lot of resistance. I had been invited to presentations before and they had not been a positive experience. I flat out told her if I felt uncomfortable in any way I would leave the meeting. She accepted those terms and off we went.
Well as you can probably already guess the meeting went well. I was so impressed with the professionalism and caliber of the people that were present; it changed my whole perspective of the industry. I signed up in the company that night and could see all the possibilities of what the industry could mean for me. A portable income, in multiple places, leveraging myself in a way I could never do in traditional business.”
Were you successful right from the beginning?
“Was I successful right away? Yes and no. I certainly had great sales; it was easy to sell a product that worked so well. However on the building of my business, on the leveraging side it took more time. Two steps forward, one back.
I wanted to be successful so badly I could taste it. I listened to one leader in the industry after another, traveling if necessary. I was determined to succeed. I had the opportunity to listen to some of the best trainers in the industry.
I took in every word they said. I knew if I wanted to succeed I needed to develop myself first and then lead by example. I needed to develop a real team attitude. So not only did I take the wisdom of people who had been doing this with success in time I developed my own training called, “Your 21 Day Road Map to Success.”
Even people that are already successful in their traditional career can’t make a lateral move to success. They need a road map. The system I created helped my new people create that road map and strong working habits necessary for success.
Success for me was not immediate like it might have been for some, but eventually I surpassed even the goals I had set out to accomplish. It wasn’t till I joined my second company that I really developed a significant Downline. I know this success was completely possible because of the direction I took with my team. Reflecting back I still pinch myself and say wow, who would have thought it?”
Are you Old-School Marketers?
“We both started as Old School Marketers, smiling and dialing. Then as the internet progressed, we went more online and used tools such as online presentations to introduce our business. However once we used the online tools to present the business our hands on approach with the training and development of our people never changed.
We believe strongly in high tech, then high touch. It’s a numbers game until new people join, then it is a teaching game. If you give people a track to run on, based on their goals and then create a partnership with them until they know what to do they will be successful. But it doesn’t stop there. For new people to reach the top, their people have to be successful as well.
So teaching how to teach is an important next step. We send our new Distributors on a three-step training program.
Step 1. Learn,
Step 2. Teach their new people,
Step 3, Teach their new people how to teach.
Learn, teach, and then, teach how to teach.
From our perspective Network Marketing for those who embrace it, is much more than a business, it is a way of life. It is a dynamic personal workshop in which to learn that there are no limits on us except the ones we impose. Human beings have glorious, untapped potential and the universe responds to our intentions.”
As you can see Bill and Mary Ann love helping people succeed in the industry. They accomplish this through their generic consulting, training and keynote speaking.
Is it no wonder that Greenfoot Global is exploding world wide. They are currently looking for leadership for the Greenfoot Global Business. For more information visit the following:
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