Affiliate Programs And Internet Marketing Guide!!! How to Really Make Money on the Internet. This blog will publish Topics on the Following: Affiliate Programs, Internet Marketing, How To Make Money Online, Affiliate Business Opportunities, Mlm, Affiliate Marketing, Video Marketing, Keywords, Adwords, Marketing Systems, Network Marketing, Pay Per Click, Internet Business Opportunities, Blog Marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Homeworking and More!
Why Keyword Research Tools Are Vital For Your Online Business
Not always, but the words typed into the search engines, usually reveal a lot of information about your visitor's intent. Knowing more about your customers, what exactly they're looking for, the exact key phrases they use to find specific products, gives you the chance to optimize your web site correctly, simply using keyword research tools to make your work a lot easier.
First Step : Understand your prospects and their needs
This is the first most important step in your keyword research and keyword optimization strategies.
Do you know your customer's intent?
* What are their questions when looking for something?
* What exactly are they looking for? Is it clothes, electronics or what?
The keyword research tools do exactly that. They output in no time the keywords that your customers are most likely to use when looking for your products. They can be a single word or long tail keywords. Use the two questions above to start a list of keywords to research, or just start from the root word that suits your business.
There are 2 Types of Buyers
There are two types of buyers : Logical and methodical.
Logical Buyers
They usually ask questions such as "how" and "what". How to be more happy? How to cure depression? What medications are recommended? How to treat depression? What are the symptoms of depression? What is the best natural cure for depression?
Methodical Buyers
They are straight to the point. They usually search using key phrases such as best treatment for acne, best product for acne, best acne solution.
You need to think like your prospect. Put yourself in their shoes. What kind of question would you be asking if you were looking for a better health condition ?
Now use the keyword research tools to make your work easier. You can generate thousands of targeted keywords to your niche in no-time. You wouldn't able to do that without the right tool.
Second Step: Always Think broad and wide
Traffic is either gained via search engines or paid traffic using pay per click advertising. Always target quality keywords, don't just focus on quantity. Getting a good ranking for 10 keywords that will not drive customers and leads is useless. Test, test and test again. Meanwhile watch your competition.
Third Step: You're looking for conversions. Optimize your web site and content for keywords that do convert.
Keyword research tools won't tell you the exact keywords that will make conversions, however there are ways to find them by testing. So always target your keywords to the right audience and not just for the amount of potential traffic, rather clear intent and leads. Long tail keywords with little traffic potential have proven to be the most valuable amongst search engine marketing, they have a very high probability of conversion.
Long tail keywords are the terms that you will not only want to optimize your pages for but your content as well. Keyword research tools will make your work a lot easier, based upon my experience they have saved me and other thousands of webmasters worldwide a lot of time and money.
Conclusion : When looking for higher conversions you need to optimize your web site and content with the exact keywords that will convert. This can only be done using keyword research tools and by testing. You separate pages for split-testing and optimize each one for different keywords and phrases.
Rule number 1 : A great way to turn visitors into leads is to answer their questions using the right keywords, it is really that simple.
Here's an example :
Q. Is there an effective treatment for acne?
A. If you're looking for an effective treatment for acne here's a list I've made up after a deep research into the entire online market.
Voila. Your answer is optimized for the right keywords, it contains the magic keywords that will convert : "treatment for acne".
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